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Schwarzwälderkirschtorte in Englisch

Sa 29. Jun 2013, 17:34

Does "Schwarzwälderkirschtorte" really mean "Black Forest Cake" in English language?
Surprisingly: almost...

You can either say:
Black Forest cherry-chocolate cake or
Black Forest gateau
and everybody should understand.

There are lots of "false friends" which you must be aware of.

Here some examples:
- You mean "aktuell", you should say "currently"; don´t say "actually" as this means "eigentlich"
- You mean "Fabrik", you should say "factory"; don´t say "fabric" as this means "Stoff, Gewebe"
- You mean "seriös", you should say "trustworthy"; don´t say "serious" as this means "ernst"

Do you know more "false friends"?

Interested in reading (and discussing) more Topics in English language?
Just send me a PM and I will send you the link to my (facebook) page.

Re: Schwarzwälderkirschtorte in Englisch

So 30. Jun 2013, 05:12

meine Schwester, die schon 15 Jahre in den USA lebt, sagt mir grad Black-Forrest-Cake ist absolut o.k.
Da wird man verstanden.
So, ich bring sie jetzt auf den Flughafen.
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