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OMG !!!!!

Di 23. Aug 2011, 09:10

I was in the public toilets and had just sat down, when a voice from the next cubicle said "Hi!, how are you?" Embarrassed, I said, "I'm doing fine". The voice said "So what are you up to?". I said, "Just doing the same as you, sitting here!". From next door, "Can I come over?". Annoyed, I said "rather busy right now". The voice said, "Listen, I will have to call you back, there's an idiot next door answering all my questions"

Di 23. Aug 2011, 09:10

Re: OMG !!!!!

Di 23. Aug 2011, 09:14


Re: OMG !!!!!

Di 23. Aug 2011, 09:19


Re: OMG !!!!!

Di 23. Aug 2011, 09:20

Der Witz ist klasse :-), aber, menno, jetzt habe ich einen Ohrwurm im Hirn: Maid of Orleans. Denn ich habe beim schnellen drüberfliegen OMD gelesen - Orchestra manoeuvres in the Dark.

Re: OMG !!!!!

Di 23. Aug 2011, 09:36


Re: OMG !!!!!

Di 23. Aug 2011, 09:51


Re: OMG !!!!!

Di 23. Aug 2011, 10:30


Re: OMG !!!!!

Mo 4. Jun 2012, 11:59

Der war wirklich gut! Eine kleine Aufheiterung an diesem tristen Montag Mittag.
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